Innovative solutions for elastic flooring
Welcome to PRO-FIL
profil kunststoff operates globally. We are specialised in elastic flooring for areas where hygiene is of the essence and offer patented solutions. We cover the following areas:
- Concave moulding strips for elastic flooring
- Profiles for screed joints matching in colour
- Stair solutions for elastic flooring and wooden floors
The patented hygiene solution comprises industrially prefabricated concave moulding strips and prefabricated outer and inner corners from all common types of elastic floor covering. The solution is perfect for hospitals, laboratories, senior citizen homes, schools and kindergartens.
The search for innovative solutions is central element of our corporate philosophy. An ongoing in-house and external improvement process constantly results in new solutions pushing the technical development in the various areas.
Quality policy
The management team of pro-fil kunststoff GmbH is committed to being a company with high standards for innovation, productivity, quality, safety and health. The Q-Policy is available to any interested party if necessary.
We operate a documented Quality management system.
We work on the constant improvement of all products, processes and systems. Constant improvement is the task of every employee at all levels and in all areas. It is the responsibility of the executives to create the prerequisites for achieving this goal and to be a role model.
We promote knowledge and a sense of responsibility among our employees and cooperation at all levels.
We understand quality to be the extent to which the demands and expectations of customers, society, employees, suppliers and owners are met.
We develop, manufacture and sell products and services,
that are manufactured or provided by employees who are aware that any injury to and damage to the health of employees can be avoided.
which fully meet the qualitative requirements of our customers in the sense of the zero-defect philosophy.
We conduct an open and objective dialogue with customers, contractual partners, authorities and the interested public.
We undertake to comply with the applicable legal provisions in all relevant areas.